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Animal-Assisted Education 

As with any activity in which we involve them, animals make learning a more fun, engaging, motivating, and joyful experience. Our courses are available in-person or on Zoom. Students joining us from home must have dog(s) to work with in their own space, and parents are welcome to join in as at-home helpers for the more challenging exercises. We are not striving for perfection, so if your dog is uncooperative at times, it's okay! Fundamentally, the goal is to get your kids and dogs up and active, having fun, playing and interacting, and learning some important skills along the way.  We are also available to consult with educators who would like to incorporate our curricula into their classrooms or programs. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION.


Mind The Dog
 for Youth

Learning to communicate with, train, and manage dogs’ behavior allow kids and teens a unique opportunity to practice mindfulness, examine who they are, and practice myriad life and leadership skills in a fun, loving, and nonjudgmental environment. Some of these skills include mindfulness, communication, emotional regulation, patience, compassion, consistency and follow-through, honest self-reflection, boundary-setting, and working in cooperation with others. In this course, youth ages 8-17 work hands-on with therapy animals (or facility dogs in classrooms, or pet dogs at home) to reach small, manageable goals each week over an 8-week period. 


Unplug & Play!

In this class, kids learn to counterbalance their use of technology with responsibility for self and others, physical activity, relaxation, interpersonal communication, and appreciation for the outdoors. Our curriculum is based around on the six SEL competencies: SELF-AWARENESS, SOCIAL AWARENESS, RESPONSIBLE DECISION MAKING, SELF-MANAGEMENT & RELATIONSHIP SKILLS


PLEDG = Positivity, Leadership & Empathy in Dog Guardianship


The 8-week PLEDG course is designed for students between ages 8 and 12. It integrates California’s Common Core standards for Health Education, plus the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) model for positive behavior modification, into hands-on exercises with dogs to create an innovative learning experience with academic, social-emotional, and practical applications. Students must have a canine "study buddy" to work with, either at home or at a friend or relative's house.

  Upon completion of the PLEDG course students are able to:


       - Teach dogs basic obedience commands using Positive reinforcement

       - Understand that nurturing our inner-Leader brings out the best in ourselves and our dogs

       - Interpret dogs’ body language and emotional states through an Empathic lens

       - Describe a week in the life of a pet Dog who is not just surviving, but thriving 

       - Connect the responsibility of being a pet Guardian with the responsibility of caring for self and others.

Frisky Fitness: Where Dogs Meet P.E. 

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This program provides children (and dogs) with enjoyable physical education experiences that boost self-esteem and bolster intrinsic motivation toward health and fitness. This program

incorporates the powerful positive impact of the human-canine bond into P.E.-style games & activities. 

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